Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Summer Schools & International Schools in China

Two types of summer schools are very popular in big cities in China. One is like SIE, which provide college credits course for Chinese students with a cheaper price then the summer schools in America. The other is like Fujen Summer School, which provide high quality small size college credit course but for excellent high school students, who are going abroad to America to study or have already been admitted in the spring.

Professor from Columbia University in Fujen Summer School

International schools are also growing rapidly in China. These schools are for students who want to go abroad to study. Students take exams like SATs instead of normal Gaokao. Due to the regulations from Educational Department, international schools can only co-exist with a local normal high school or university. The school campus environment usually is in very good condition. All the teachers are native english speakers who possess a teaching certificate. The courses being taught are mainly IB and ALevel. The whole english teaching environment and teacher sources are two big benefits for students and the tuition is also very expensive. 
Students from an international school

An area of an international school

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