Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Reverse Cultural Shock 1

Believe it or not, we need to readjust into our own culture when we go back to China. If it's summer time, it usually takes me one to two month. But if we are going back for a job, it will take us longer to adjust. This sounds ridicules because who can be more familiar with our own culture than ourselves? The place we grow up and stayed for more than 18 years before we come back to US. Also, we've been insisted so much on our Chinese identities and our culture while we are in the US. In no way, there should be any problems to go back but the truth is, we have changed when we were in the US. More or little but influential. This is not a problem I personally met but a common thing we experienced when we go back to China. We become the most familiar strangers of our own motherland.

Language Problem
We speak in a language combination with Chinese and english that our friends, family and others just find it weird and can't understand why we are talking in this way. For example, when I want to explain something to my mom, I use some  English words but since my mom doesn't know what that mean, she wants me to say it in completely Chinese and I just don't know how to say it in total Chinese, which drives her crazy because she just can't comprehend how my language system changed to a way that I can only use English words for some situations. We talk in a way using english words to replace our Chinese expressions unconsciously because we were in US this long time and this is how we learned from friends or professors and this is how school taught us what to say. We lack the college experience in China and it is normal why we don't know what words are being used among Chinese college students. This new way of talking make our friends mad at us especially. Using proper words in Chinese speaking is important. If you play too much with it, it is impolite because they would think you don't want to talk with them that's why you are talking in this weird way. But we didn't do it intentionally. And if we explain, our friends just think we are being hypocratic because we won't even want to talk Chinese in a normal so that to show we are from America. we now talk sentences in an American way just with Chinese words. The word order is not even right in Chinese. We talk translated Chinese.

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