Friday, December 12, 2014


Who We Are?
  • A huge group of students from Mainland China
  • Age around 19 to 22 years old
  • Alone while parents back in China
  • Studying or Pursuing our BA degree
  • In Universities or Liberal Arts Colleges
  • Self-paid tuition or Receiving student financial 
  • In the United States of America

We are 留学生 (Liu Xue Sheng).

Liu Xue Sheng is the Chinese vocabulary for us. It literally means a student studying in a foreign place. The word in general can describe any group of students who go abroad in any foreign country to study. China has liuxuesheng since late Qing Dynasty. But word's meaning has changed drascitally in the past decades due to the political situation at different times. Politically, we are the first generation who can decide whether to go abroad or not so freely than any other generation.

Why I Choose This Topic?
The reason I choose this topic is very simple. I myself am a part of this group at this time in the history of China. Though I can not represent my group fully, my thinking and observation can provide some first-hand insight of the topic. I want to make us visible. We are such a huge group of students in the US that you might find it hard to believe. However we are not the mainstream. Maybe not even belong to the minor group. We are "international students" in campus. I hope those people who do not know or do not realize the existence of us find my website informative.

Why America?
America is our dream. The land of freedom. As a generation of 90s, we grow up in a very western culture. Chinese market began to open under the leadership of Leng Xiaopin in 1990s. Huge mount of western culture came in, especially for all the big cities in China. When I was small, I watch Disney movies and comic books. Girls have Barbie dolls. We go to Mc Donalds and KFCs very often. And we celebrate holidays like Halloweens and Christmas and Valentine's Days. The school taught us American values and western culture were so popular that started to change family values. The idea of going to American some time in the future is so natural to think of and feels like we meant to be in the United States some time in my life. And New York is like the place I meant to be. This is our American dream.

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