Wednesday, December 10, 2014

A Brief History of Chinese Liuxuesheng 1

Generally Chinese Liuxuesheng can be into five main geranations.

The first group was between 1872 to 1900, which is the late Qing Dynasty period. They were  a group of very young kids that the government sent them out to America to study. They stayed with well-educated families in Springfield and went to Yale. They mainly studied practical skills like Engineering, Mining, Shipping, Public Transportation, and Mailing.  Later after they went back to China, they developed revolutions which ended Fedualism. 

(the photo before they went to America)

                                         (the photo after they went)

The second group was between 1900 to 1927. Besides America, students also went to Japan and France to study. Instead of practical skills, they studied humanities, economics and management. Communist Party of China was also founded among during this time period. 

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