Friday, December 5, 2014

Chinese Women in America's Women's College

There were also some excellent and famous Chinese women went to America's Women's College. Women's college education was only accessible for daughters in wealthy and powerful families. The daughters needed to be well-educated ladies both elegant and smart.

The Soong Sisters (Song Ailing, Song Qingling, Song Meiling) and their husbands were significant political figures of early 20th century of China. The Soong sisters all went to Wesleyan College and the youngest Song Meiling later went to Wellesley College.

      (Song Meiling and Jiang Jieshi)    

                                    (Song Qingling and Sun Zhongshan)

Bing Xin, who was a famous writer and poet in China, went to Wellesley College and studied literature. 

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