Saturday, October 25, 2014

American Culture 1

There are several elements that most of us experience in America that can be categorized into American Culture.

People just trust each other. This whole trust virtue seems so easy and understandable in America that we find it unbelievable when we first arrived. It is just like what we heard. It is everywhere. On the bus, in a store, in school, with people we know or don't. This trust makes everything comfortable to go on and most importantly people really do well with trust. I still remember how Professor Ferraro said in the first class of World Politics that he trust us. And only with trust, we can trust ourselves more that we become more confident in learning and questioning and thinking and the result is just amazing.

Everyone is important. Every single voice that should be heard need to be heard. Sharing ideas is important. Saying out loud is important. Talking is important. We need to let others know what we are thinking. We need to put ourselves out, maybe uncomfortable because in a non-comfort zone, we feel that we are not ourselves anymore. But we are. Chinese students are just too familiar to not self-advocate. But it is actually not scary at all to say what we think really deep down. And when we say it out, there will be awareness from others that it is even better because they now know how to help us or what to do to adjust. I encourage everybody to say it out loud because your voice is important and should be heard.

Critical Thinking
This is a very important skill or even an ability in America. It is not only in class discussion seminar. It is not only in college campus or liberal arts education. It is a lifestyle. A thinking habit. The good habit to deal with all kinds of information we receive that we should be a little bit suspicious about everything. Question the source, the origin. Question the truth, the "fact". Question our belief and people who put this idea in us. Question and think. To find out why, and how. To understand why things go this way and not the other round. To prove and find evidence. To argue and accept other people to challenge your ideas.

Friday, October 24, 2014

American Culture 2

Team work is everywhere in America. Chinese students usually took it for granted about the idea of teamwork that it just a group of people working together. But it is not that at easy. It is the ability to work with people that are better than you and to work with people that are maybe weaker than you. And you have to contribute not by just doing your own stuff. You are a team. Everybody affects each other.

Don't Judge
Respect the choices other makes. We meet all kinds of different people from all around the world. They have different culture backgrounds, beliefs, knowledges, habits. But no one can say who is absolutely correct. Appreciate the different and maybe even more learn from each other. If people are the choices they made, and it is different from you, it is fine. They have their own reasons. Learn to really listen and don't judge.

Work hard Play harder
Studying is intensive for college students. But American kids do know how to enjoy life. They work hard and they can play even harder. Their attitude to life is constantly being happy and freedom. They can throw crazy parties and go wild places to get out of the school environment to enjoy their holidays. They enjoy hanging out with friends and do all kinds of silly things just because they are happy. They work really hard to make sure all the works that need to be done are done. This kind of attitude is very encouraging and also feeling relax and chill to live like this. When you do something, do it good. And then you can enjoy your trip or holiday and enjoy it in the most way you want that make yourself happy.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

We Are The Future

Columbia University Chinese Student Club

Columbia University Chinese Students Club

                              Boston University Chinese Students Association
Harvard-Radcliffe Chinese Students Association 

Mount Holyoke College Chinese Culture Association
photo after Moon Festival